Ads Bring Color to the Winter Season

As most of us experience a white landscape in winter, there is certainly one place where our clients like to add color: their print ads. White and blue hues convey the mood of this season and symbols like snowflakes, trees covered in snow and houses with snow-packed roofs create an evocative winter backdrop for the ads.

This season, our creative team put together winter-themed ads that were colorful and vibrant to attract potential customers. Here are some of our favorites.

This ad by Attridge Transportation explains viewers could contribute to the community by becoming school bus drivers. The cartoon characters and use of primary colors add to the charm and reinforce that the drivers would be serving children.

Attridge Transportation (final ad)

The ad by Tropical North highlights one of the many things that we love about winter: adventure sports! Read more of this post

Our Favorite Ads of 2012

The most effective advertising is written and designed to build an emotional connection with the target audience and then persuade people to want the product or service featured. Ads do this by combining strong visuals, powerful headlines, well-written copy and compelling calls to action. As 2012 rapidly comes to a close, we wanted to bring you some ads that stood out.

Here is a list of our favorite ads of 2012:

Print Ads

Print advertising is one of the toughest formats because it takes real talent to capture the hearts and the minds of consumers with just one image and a few words. The ads that get imprinted and are remembered for years are those that stretch our imagination.

Coffee Inn coffee houses: Sometimes extremely creative print ads make it difficult to tell what is being advertised, since they focus first on stopping the viewers by intriguing them. This technique pulls the audience in to read headlines and body copy so they understand the products. If you had to picture an image to convey black and white coffee, it’s unlikely you’d envision something like this but it works perfectly!

 coffee inn

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