Get Meaningful Blog Content from Daily Business Activities

It takes time and effort to come up with ideas for business blog posts and it is even more difficult when you have so many other marketing tasks to tackle. But if you use those daily activities as inspiration for blog posts, you can have a steady stream of new topics every week. Plus, you will have meaningful content that your customers and followers will enjoy reading and sharing, building trust and credibility for your business.

Here are some possibilities for blog posts.

Share customer success stories

As you work with various customers and solve their problems, try this process:

  • Start by elaborating the problems faced by your customers. This will help you get to the rationale for the case study. It will also allow you to present your clients’ perspectives and better connect with your blog audience.
  • Break down the problem. This is the most crucial step as it allows you to understand the depth of issues, identify the hidden barriers and build plans to arrive at the most optimum solutions.
  • Discuss process milestones. While explaining how to tackle problems, bring forward your organizational skills. Elaborate on the milestones achieved by your team in a set timeframe.
  • Spell out tangible results. Explain final outcomes and the strategy for future success. This final element will showcase your foresight and planning capabilities.

This blog post shows how uSell used an A/B test measurement mechanism before deciding to add new products on their website.

Blog content - case study

These case studies are great content as they provide real examples of how you work as a team to help your clients overcome their problems and turn them into success. They not only display your expertise but also serve as an excellent referral for potential customers who read your blog. Do not forget to get approval from your customers before sharing their company names on your blog.

Interview your sales team

At times, it becomes difficult for marketers to share content that resonates with the needs of their target audience, especially in technical fields. So why not approach those who are best at it and do it all the time? Sales people explain the benefits of products and solutions and can provide the details that readers are looking for since they field questions from your customers every day. Read more of this post

Build Your Blog to Attract New Business

We all love getting traffic to our blogs, but we sometimes miss the larger picture. We forget to focus on how many of our readers are actually potential buyers that will contribute to our bottom lines. On the Affinity Express blog, we discuss a large array of subjects under the heading of marketing and design. Sometimes, there are posts that generate huge amounts of traffic but are not directly linked to services offered by us. This leads to a high volumes from people who are not necessarily looking for our services. This traffic is not irrelevant, as it comes from the small- to medium-sized business community that we serve but we still want to know which topics and content appeal to those who mean cart with digital icons

Here are some tips on how to blog for business by developing content to attract buyer traffic and the metrics that help us understand whether visits are casual or have a business purpose.

  • Go beyond targeting keywords: To build volume in their business blog, many marketers incorporate relevant keywords for their products and services to get better ranking on various search engines. One way to do this is to try the Google Keyword Tool to know what words, phrases and search terms people are using to find information related to your business. Keywords also help get the blog posts featured in social media discussions and online directories so you can get backlinks and referral traffic. Read more of this post

Channels of Communication for SMBs to Engage Customers

A common ability that many successful businesses share is strong communication. Communication empowers individuals, motivates teams, aligns strategy, sets standards, sells potential consumers and retains existing customers. As more and more companies work on their online presence, they sometimes fail to evolve their communication style so it works in new channels. To effectively reach your audience today, you need to build value for your followers, share content from other sources and get involved in conversations. At the same time, you can’t forget the reason you’re there—to sell.

An entrepreneur connecting with her audience through digital media

Here are the vehicles for small- to medium-sized business that will help build your brand online and keep your customers coming back for more!


While building your website, small things can improve your visitors’ experiences. Think of the homepage as your shop’s show window. This is where most of your visitors come in and decide whether to explore further. Instead of confusing them, simple designs help customers navigate while highlighting your products/services, testimonials and samples. Informative and informal copy keeps interest levels high by talking in customers’ language. When you legitimately use keywords searched by target customers on your pages and in the tags, you improve your ranking in search engines results. You should also make the Contact Us tab easy to locate so customers can reach you. Read more of this post